Carbon Reduction Plan
Supplier Name: Rose Partners
Publication date: 31 May 2024
Commitment to achieving Net Zero – Rose Partners is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050.
Baseline Emissions Footprint
We have set out below baseline emissions calculations for Rose Partners for 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2021 and for the most recent 12 months reporting period, ending 31 May 2024. We are a specialist management consultancy. The overwhelming majority of our services during the baseline reporting year were provided overseas. As a result, most of our greenhouse gas emissions are outside the scope of this Carbon Reduction Plan which reports only emissions generated by activities in the UK. In the most recent 12 months reporting period, ending 31 May 2024, our operations were in the UK to a larger extent than the base year, resulting in an increase in reportable greenhouse gas emissions.

Current Emissions Reporting
Emissions reduction targets
Due to the nature of our business activities, our greenhouse gas emissions fluctuate significantly. We have, therefore, not set any short-term carbon reduction targets. Rather, we aim to reduce carbon emissions generated by business activities consistent with science-based net-zero criteria both in the short-term and through to 2050. We have adopted a range of measures to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (outlined in the section below).
Carbon Reduction Projects
Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives
The following environmental management measures and projects have been completed or implemented since the beginning of the 2020-21 baseline year.
It is difficult to calculate the carbon emissions reduction achieved by these schemes. Emissions decreased in the first year after our baseline but increased in the most recent 12 months reporting period due largely to fluctuations in business activity.
Nonetheless, we have put in place a number of measures to reduce emissions resulting from our business activities to move us towards net zero emissions. These measures will be in effect when performing the contract with Crown Commercial Service and supplemented by further measures in the future.
Completed (and ongoing) measures include:
Business support to our employees to work from home, including support for the use of online platforms for internal virtual meetings and for meetings with clients to reduce business travel.
Raising awareness amongst our workforce of the environmental impact of their decisions.
Reducing to a bare minimum the use of all paper products and sourcing what small amount of paper that might be used from producers with Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification.
The purchase of carbon offsets (533.33 tonnes of CO2 for 2020-21).
Planned Carbon Reduction Initiatives
We intend to implement further measures to drive down emissions, including:
Using ISO14001:2015 and PAS 20260:2014 in the future to guide our approach to the reduction of emissions.
Continuing to build awareness amongst our workforce of the environmental impact of their decisions.
Continuing to reduce business travel by air, rail, and road through the adoption of a sustainable travel policy.
Continuing to promote working from home to almost eliminate commuting.
Sourcing sustainable branded clothing for project staff.
Continued purchase of carbon offsets from time-to-time.
Declaration and Sign Off
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.
Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard(1) and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting(2).
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard(3).
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).

Twysden Moore
Founding Partner
3rd June 2024